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Black cumin


Black cumin

Category : Seeds

Black cuminB(Nigella sativa) plants are hardy annuals that grow from 20 to 60 cm in height. The branched stems bear deeply divided fine leaves, and the plant has a developed taproot. The pale blue or white flowers have five petals, numerous stamens, and five or six elongated fused carpels.


Try black cumin seeds on steamed or stir-fried vegetables, sprinkled on fish with lemon, or in an omelette instead of black pepper. Experiment with it in a grilled cheese sandwich, or on top of a slaw.
Nigella sativa has been widely used as a spice and flavouring agent in variety of food preparations such as in bread, yogurt, pickles, sauces, and salads.

Medicinal uses of Black Cumin

It has long been used in traditional remedy in the Arabian countries, Far East Asia, Europe, and Africa.
The medicinal use of black cumin seeds in various traditional herbal systems is known for a wide range of ailments which include different airway disorders, for pain such as chronic headache and back pain, diabetes, paralysis, infection, inflammation, hypertension, and digestive tract related problems administered in different kind of preparations. It has also been used topically where it is applied directly to the blisters, nasal abscesses, orchitis, eczema, and swollen joints.


  • Water
    6.46 g
  • Protein
    22.8 g
  • Total Fat (lipid)
    31.16 g
  • Ash
    4.2 g
  • Total dietary Fiber
    6.03 g

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